On Sunday, 8 July the Cheder marked the end of the Cheder year with a visit to Sadeh Jewish Farm on the borders of Orpington. Nearly the whole of the Cheder ateended, together with teachers, helpers, parents and (some) grandparents.
They were greeted by the farm manager, Talia Chain, and taken first to the vegetable plots and raised beds, where Talia explained a little about organic farming and handed out vegetables for tasting. This was followed by a halt at the compost station, from where the groupd proceeded to what was the highlight of the visit – talk and demonstration by David the beekeeper, who keeps bees, quite close to Sadeh Farm. David gave a lively illustrated talk and awarded stickers for questions from the children. He then produced samples of honey for everyone to taste and showed a sealed section from a hive so that the visitors could see the bees at work.
There was a short play break for the children to try out the play equipment before the return to Bromley. Many thanks to all at Sadeh for organising a most interesting and enjoyable visit.