For new or expecting parents, Mazal Tov! We are happy to help you welcome your child into the world and into the Jewish community.
For Boys In the Jewish tradition, boys have a brit, a ritual circumcision, at eight days. In our community, a doctor who acts as a mohel does this. While the brit includes circumcision, the ceremony includes more as well, such as the naming of the child. Oftentimes the ceremony takes place in the home, but it is possible for this to happen at the mohel’s surgery as well. The rabbi is available to discuss the religious implications of the decision to circumcise, and we encourage parents to discuss circumcision with the mohel or a doctor of their choice as well. Please contact us well in advance of the expected delivery date so that we may be of assistance. For Girls Many families choose to have a ceremony in their home called a simchat bat, where their daughter receives a name, is welcomed into the world and the Jewish community, and is celebrated by family and friends. The rabbi would be delighted to discuss this in greater detail with families. For Girls and Boys Both boys and girls may be named publically at a synagogue service, even if they had a private brit or simchat bat. Afterwards, we invite your family to celebrate with the synagogue community by hosting a kiddush luncheon.